Friday, June 22, 2007

R.A.T. (Rescue Allocation Table) v0.1 Released!

I'm pleased to release the first beta version of R.A.T. (Rescue Allocation Table).

This software allow the user to backup the first n bytes of a partition (the file allocation table).
With this backup, the user can restore the allocation table in future and try to recover deleted files. The software is only for GNU/Linux.

This software is a beta and I'm not responsible for any damage caused by R.A.T.

I've lots of work to do! lots of features to implement... so don't consider that as a stable version (0.1 is selfsignificant :P ).

The sotware is under the GPL license

To download the software click here: DOWNLOAD

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Software Update


I've developed lots of software that I've not uploaded here...
some software are hosted by my friends and some (the elders) are not online :(

Today I've linked 4 elements (3 softwares and 1 paper) that are hosted by

BlizCypher Beta1 is a file encrypter/decrypter written in Visual Basic .NET 2003

PWDMan is a password manager to use in internet cafè etc... to avoid keyloggers... written in Visual Basic.NET 2003

DamnKeylogger is a paper (in Italian) that describe the development of a small keylogger (section Paper & Tutorials)

Secure Delete is a Linux small software used to delete files first overwriting them.
If you have a journaled filesystem probably the files are recoverable.

That's all for now!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

GateDisk Suite RELEASED!

I'm pleased to release the first version of the GateDisk Suite.

The GateDisk suite is a combo of 2 programs and a couple of scripts used in GNU/Linux systems to make a disk authentication during the initialization phase.

Before the login the program control if a specific GateDisk(created with the keygenerator) is in the drive.
If the disk miss or is not correct the system shutdown.

I'm not responsible for any damage caused by this suite!!!!!!

To download the program in GPL license: DOWNLOAD

Friday, June 8, 2007

New Version of the Backup script for bash


I've released another version of the backup script to make a backup of a folder directly to a cdrom.

Now the script after the burning process compress the iso generated and move it in a folder that you choose. In this way you can store continuouly a copy of the backup in the harddisk.
You can downlod the new version simply click on in the menu "Software" on the right

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Guest Book


I've developed my ultra-minimalistic guestbook.
It's in italian.
If you want to see it or if you want to leave a comment the address is:

Friday, June 1, 2007

Backup shell script

I've written a very very simple bash shell script to make a backup of a directory in a CDROM.

You have to download the script and edit some parameters.
After that you can use the script in this way
~# ./backup nome_backup_file

It automatically write the datas in a cdrom.