Friday, December 19, 2008

Slacky Store Opens!

Questa volta non è una mia applicazione o un mio progetto ma ritengo doveroso segnalarlo ugualmente.
Apre infatti lo SlackyStore dove potrete confezionare magici (e un po nerd) regali per voi e per i vostri amici appassionati della filosofia Slackware e puristi di GNU/Linux.

Acquistando un prodotto dello Slacky Store si dona automaticamente una somma per aiutare il mantenimento della community e dei mille servizi che offre.
Le immagini e in generale i loghi che arrecano gli articoli (maglietta, cappelli, tazze, felpe, borse per la spesa e per il tempo libero...) sono state create dagli utenti della community e votate pubblicamente per scegliere le migliori.

Esistono due store. Uno è più "grafico", l'altro più "testuale". A voi la scelta.

Buone feste!!

Not a program or my work this time but I feel is good to make a message for this great initiative.

Slacky Store opens! and you have the possibility to help the community buying an article that mount the logo on it.
Logos and arts in every shirt, caps and etc... are designed by members and a public pole has selected the most beautyful for each category.

Purchasing an articole, automatically gives a donation to help the community.

There are two stores slackers! One is more graphic and artistic and one is more classic... and a bit command line style xD
These are

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

PhoneKISS Released!

I'm pleased to release PhoneKISS (Phone Keep It Simple and Strong).

PhoneKISS is a phone book written in Java (using swing and sqlite libs) for GNU/Linux, Windows, OSX, and all the platforms that support the Java Virtual Machine with the javax library (90% of operating systems). 

Here is an image of the memo working

Free Image Hosting at

QuickPost Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!

To start with PhoneKISS
  $ java -jar PhoneKISS.jar

 >java -jar PhoneKISS.jar
 or click on the jar icon.

To download the memo follow this link

and send me feedbacks


Sunday, December 7, 2008

File name Archivier released!


I'm pleased to release an extremely simple archivier for filenames that helps you when you have lots of backup DVDs and you have to search into them to find a file.
Whith this script you can make a rapid archive of all the files and directories of your medias and search into this archive to find the dvd where files are stored.

When you download the script, remember to set the correct permissions
$ chmod 0755

Here follows an example of usage

let's make the archives for all the dvds
bash-3.1$ pmount /dev/cdrom
bash-3.1$ ./ -c /media/cdrom/ dvdbackup1
bash-3.1$ pumount /dev/cdrom

bash-3.1$ pmount /dev/cdrom
bash-3.1$ ./ -c /media/cdrom/ dvdbackup2
bash-3.1$ pumount /dev/cdrom

let's search for file named Bilbo
bash-3.1$ ./ -f  bilbo
|-- Bilbo.avi
IN ARCHIVE:  /home/giovanni/.detective/dvdbackup1

|-- Bilbo adventure.avi
|-- The Hobbit (BILBO).avi
IN ARCHIVE:  /home/giovanni/.detective/dvdbackup2

That's all!


Friday, December 5, 2008

DVD Game Interactive Fiction Released! (ITA)

sono lieto di annunciarvi il rilascio del mio primo DVD Game  "La grotta di Bosco del Nibbio". Per questo rilascio ho prodotto una avventura di esplorazione come avvenne per Colossal Cave (ma neanche minimamente paragonabile ad esso).
Per godere a pieno del gioco è sufficiente scaricare la iso e masterizzarla su un DVD.
Inserire il supporto nel lettore e, muniti di telecomando, carta e penna provare a districarsi nei corridoi di un maze vecchio stile.
In definitiva La Grotta di Bosco del Nibbio è una avventura di orientamento e disegno delle mappe.
Il gioco è completamente in italiano e saranno solo le mie parole a guidare il giocatore nei sentieri e ovunque egli possa e voglia andare.
Godetevi nella mente il paesaggio e non dimenticate di divertirvi ;)

I'm pleased to announce the release of my first DVD-Game named "La Grotta di Bosco del Nibbio".
This is an interactive fiction playable with the home dvd player. It's an exploration game similar in concept to the "Colossal Cave" but it's not the half of the half of the half of the quality of this storic game.
So it's funny but only available in Italian.
If you want to try it download the iso and burn on a dvd.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A.U.T.O. alpha stage released!

I'm really proud to share with you all the alpha demo of a new game that I've programmed.

The graphic of this game is made by my friend  "Void"

A.U.T.O. (Accelerate Until the Time is Over) is a 2D Racing game developed with SDL and available for GNU/Linux ,  Windows  and other systems that support SDL libraries.

For this release you know that is only an alpha stage and it's really far from the 1.0 result but I think that maybe I can give you 5 minutes of fun!!!

Don't give up to the first bend :D the game is a bit hard on the beginning but you can take it in full throttle when you are experienced.

THIS DEMO IS DEVELOPED IN 4 DAYS!!! AND THE CODE IS TERRIFIC :D it's not c++ and it's not well written C.  But I'm so busy and I had only the weekend to make something that works.

You can download the test game at



and send me feedbacks :P

Friday, November 28, 2008

Do you want to offer me a coffe?

Se avete gradito i miei software e volete offrirmi un "caffe' virtuale" potete fare una donazione cliccando sul pulsante in basso, tramite PayPal.
Grazie infinite! :)

If you enjoyed my work and wonna offer me a "virtual coffe" :D now you can use the donation button with paypal.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quasi-Random Access Dynamic Array


I've written a paper to explain a tecnique that comes in my mind in the previous weekend.

It's concerned a system to make dynamic arrays composed by a list of static arrays.

As you will see in the first step you create ad array large enough to contain all your datas. When you extend the array a new node with the array extension is been created.

In this way you prevent to reallocate a new large array every time and copy all the existing datas on it.

A c++ implementation will follow ASAP

Enjoy the document. Released with Creative Commons licence




Thursday, October 30, 2008

A lex exercise (memo2html)

I've tried to invent an exercise to take practice with lex.
Here is the result.
We can say that is more a micro-parser than a lexer.
It use a grammar to parse a simple tag language that describes a telephone memo and generate an html page to format it better.

It's just an exercise and you can download it at

Obviously GPLv3 licensed :)


Friday, October 17, 2008

Other three tunes :)

I've recorded yesterday other three tunes with my tin whistle that my brother gives to me!
It's a Feadòg Pro and comes directly from Ireland.
Wonderfull instrument but I've to practice a little more :P

The Shire (Concerning Hobbits)

Loreena McKennitt - Lullaby

A Final Fantasy tune


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Some other videos :D

Uploaded some other videos on youtube

Xenosaga the animation main theme

Country classic

Countri classic 2

Don't launch vegetables!!! :)


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Generic List [C]

I've written a C code that implements a list usable with generic types.
To use this list you have to declare in an enum the types that you want to store in the list ad so you can arrive to generate mixed lists.

In the example I make tha case that you have a list with inside an int, a float and a struct Speed item.

If you want to use this generic list code you have to know that the code i really basic and not tested hard. Probably you have to extend him to your needs.

In the tar you will find also an example of using fully commented.


Friday, September 19, 2008

My Guestbook

in a post on my guestbook, jerry ask to me a way to make one.
My GB was just an experiment of php before I made the cms for my blog ( see ToyLog in the Software section)
A GB like mine is really basic so I post here only the source of the gbpost.php file.


You have to create the file post.php with this code personalized and the file Guestbook.txt containing an introduction where next the user comments follows.
The GB returns a mail with some info.

To see my GB you can go to CLICK HERE FOR MY GUESTBOOK

To see a posting system more evolved download the php software ToyLog


Thursday, August 21, 2008

KSIP on Slacky repository

Thanks to conraid that makes ksip tgz package and to Loris that upload it, you can download KSlacky InfoPkg directly from Slacky Repository.

Conraid also says to me that he wants to upload an i686 package on is a new site dedicated to Slackware and "the slack" philosophy.
This site has many complements to Slacky such as i686 packages and downloadble pdf of wikislacky documents.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Qfold released! (GNU/GPLv3)

I'm pleased to release my new program: Qfold.
Qfold is a Qt4 reimplementation of fold(1).
With Qfold you can format text in n-columns ascii text and optionally convert accents like
"è " in "e' " and tabs in " " (4 spaces).
Optionally you can choose to don't cut words.

Here is a screenshot!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

KSIP and Weblog update

I've found the time yesterday to add to my weblog a feed RSS to make easier to control new posts.
The url of the rss feed is and you can control the feed, for example, directly with your browser (Firefox and Seamonkey natively support the feed reader) or by a dedicated software like akgregator (for KDE users) or shownews / newsbeuter (for console users).

The second update I've made is on KSlacky InfoPkg. I've released the test version of the 1.6.2 that improve the search and introduce the info button that calculate the total size of your slack packages and the biggest tgz in your system.
The test version is ready on the forum by clicking HERE
The tgz package of the 1.6.1 version are ready on the OFFICIAL SITE


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bliz Multifile Steganography System

I've written the specs for a steganography system.
With this specs you can build a steganography system that allow the user to encode/decode in an image up to 3 different ascii messages.

The steganography is an encryption system that insert datas to be hidden in an image, so you can preserve in your disk an innocent image that contains a message inside :)

The BMS2 (Bliz Multifile Steganography System) spec is released under the Creative commons licence.
You can download the spec here: DOWNLOAD BMS2 PAPER


Creative Commons License

Bliz Multifile Steganography System by
Giovanni Santostefano is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Italy License.

Ascoltate la mia storia (a blog romance)

I'm writing in my few spare time a blog with a romance within.
It's written in Italian and the story (fantasy) is lived like a blog.
the address is


Friday, July 18, 2008

Funny lisp code!

Today I want to post a funny code... funny for me that I'm a lisp newbie.
Yesterday I'm starting learning lisp for pleasure.
Today in my strange brain jumps the idea to implement a mergesort.
I started the coding and all seems to be nice.
Since the last function where I take lots of strange behaviors.
The strange thing is that the program duplicate some numbers
{5,4,3,2,1} --a kind of-->{1,22,3333,4444,5}
Let's change the method!
In the change I add some recursion to make this mergesort style

(setq M (round (/ I 2)))
(setq C (g_mergesort (g_firsthalf A M)))
(setq D (g_mergesort (g_secondhalf A M)))
(g_merge C D) )

but when I write the C assignment I launch a test with the previous mergesort system.
The code looks like this

(defun g_mergesort(A)
"The mergesort"
(setq I (list-length A))
;(print A)
(if (<= I 1) (return-from g_mergesort A))

(setq M (round (/ I 2)))
(setq C (g_mergesort (g_firsthalf A M))) ;blackbox

(g_merge (g_mergesort (g_firsthalf A M)) (g_mergesort (g_secondhalf A M))) )

It works o_O
but... in my mind not! I'm starting to write another way! this is a mix of the new and the previous code and it WORKS!!!!!
I looks to the recursion tree but scared I close it :D

This is the full code: LISP STRANGE MERGE SORT


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tutorial Introduction to KGpg

few minutes ago It was released on KDE-Italia a new tutorial that I've written.
It's an introduction to KGpg a front-end for GNUPG that runs on KDE environment.
GPG is a cryptography tool.

The tutorial is in Italian.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tutorial GPRS configuration on KPPP

recently KDE-Italia released a tutorial that I've written to show how to configure the dialup software Kppp to make a connection with the GPRS protocol.
I've written this tutorial in Italian and it's filled with images of the operation sequence.
The hardware used is the Telit usb modem sponsored for Wind company


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

KSlacky InfoPkg 1.6.1 Released!

I've released the 1.6.1 version of KSIP.
Since the last announcement (the 1.5) there alre lots of modification and features.
This is the first really usable and usefull version.
Go and check it!
KSlacky InfoPkg Official Site

Saturday, May 10, 2008

KSlacky InfoPkg 1.5 Released! forum up!

I'm pleased to release the 1.5 version of KSIP that provide full Qt4 code.
From the 1.5 KSIP will be implemented without KDE4 code, so you can also run the tool if you don't have kde installed on your system.

There are also many news:
First of all I want to introduce danix that is the project web designer and packager(when ksip will be stable).
He is doing a great work on the ksip official site and soon may be usable.
I've put online the official forum. So if you want to follow the development o talk with us you can go to:

That's all for the moment.
Enjoy downloading the new version of KSIP:


Monday, May 5, 2008

KSlacky InfoPkg on sourceforge!

I've created a project on sourceforge for KSlacky InfoPkg to make me able to have:
  • File Release Management
  • Statistics
  • News
  • Screenshots
  • Donation
  • Forums/if needed

From now the only way to download updated versions is from sourceforge


Edit on 05-May-2008:
Ops! I've forgot!
It's out the 1.4(beta) version, with option dialogs for install and upgrade packages ;)

Friday, May 2, 2008

KSlacky InfoPkg beta release!

I'm pleased to release the first beta version of KSlacky InfoPkg.
KSIP is an information tool that shows information on packages installed on your Slackware and provide a GUI wrapper for package managment offered by pkgtool.
The software is designed for Qt4/KDE4 and provide a full transparent user approach to package management of the system.

(click on the image to show the full size)

The program is still far to be complete, I have to correct the design of the user interface as suggested by alessiodf ( community member).
Thanks to pinotree (#kde-devel-it user on that explain to me a design concept to use ui files.
Thanks also to ksniffer ( community member) that is my mentor in kde4 discovering ^_^

See you for next updates!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

OpenSource document: new Release!

I've released a new version of the document: Open Source, Free Software & GNU/Linux after a revision by Slacky members.
There are few major changes.
The first is on the extension of the document to contain the Creative Commons Licence and the Thanks to section.
The second is the corrections of the hacker and UNIX note.
Follows few grammar corrections.

You can download the document HERE or in the menu on the right.
In the next few days the new version of the document can also be downloaded at Slacky home page section "Il nostro mondo"


Monday, April 7, 2008

Important poll

Second post the same day :D
I've make an important poll.
The title is "Why don't you use GNU/linux?"
in the possible choices some are false and some are true. Many peoples thinks some features of this OS that are false or maybe true 20 years ago :)
So I'm curious, why that peoples don't wanto to try the penguin system.
Answer sincerely!

OpenSource document under the Creative Commons licence

I've released the paper "Open Source, Free Software e GNU/Linux" under the Creative Commons licence as recommended to me by the Sulmona Lug.
It's a good way to make it open!


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Matrix-Like ScreenSaver for Linux Console Released!

I'm pleased to release the first version of my new program.
It's a screen saver for linux console (it works at the best on frame buffer console) that shows the tipical Matrix code.
The name is Matricurses
It use ncurses, so if you wanto to compile it, you have to run
$ gcc -o matricurses -lncurses matrix.c

It's released under the GPLv3 .
In the package you'll find the source code, a i486 binary to run it on the fly if you have an i486 machine and a Slackware package tgz, to install on your slackware :D .



Sunday, March 30, 2008

Open Source paper on Slacky and SulmonaLUG

Thanks to Loris ( Administrator) that release the paper on Slacky Community WebSite

Thanks also to the SulmonaLUG that releases the paper on a news
Next, I will release this document under the Creative Commons Licence.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Free Software document new release!

I'm pleased to release the new version of the document on Open Source, Free Software and GNU/Linux.
Many changes and corrections are inserted in this document version. The Slacky Community revised this document in the thread

You can download the document in the panel on the right or AT THIS LINK

See you!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Paper on OpenSource, Free Software and GNU/Linux

I've written a paper that explains the base concepts of OpenSource, FreeSoftware and GNU/Linux to make able everyone to know this world.
The paper is in ITALIAN only.

ho scritto un paper per spiegare i concetti base dell'OpenSource, del FreeSoftware e di GNU/Linux per far si che chiunque conosca questo mondo.


If the link doesn't work try this

See you!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

More news...

I'm disappeared for a while in this site :D
Never mind! I'm working on few projects... at early stage, so I don't treat them now :D

For now I just post there a video of a lullaby composed and played by me. Hope you enjoy it! It's dedicated to the nature and the spring that comes!

comment on youtube!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

CCM v0.5 released!

I've released the 0.5 version of CCM (CCM is a console mediacenter) that fix the bug that affects the symbols in filenames!


Friday, January 25, 2008

ToyLog 0.1 Released

I'm pleased to release the first version of the micro CMS that I use for publish my simple blog.
This blogger is made to be simple and usable alse for slow connections like 56k and mobile connections.
Toylog is free under the GPLv3 license.
You can see a sample of toylog with my blog
If you want to make donations for my work you can go to DONATIONS


Sunday, January 20, 2008

My new personal Weblog

I've published today my new blog. The blog is personal and written in ITALIAN.
I've written the full code for the weblog. I've named this cms: ToyLog and I hope to release it soon so if you want you can manage your blog with my cms.

The system is designed to make the connection friendly and content publishing also for slow connections (56K,GPRS,1200 BOUD to ^_^);

Monday, January 7, 2008

CCM ver0.4 Released!!!

I'm pleased to release the 0.4 version of CCM (CCM is a Console Mediacenter).
New features are:
-Image showing
  • By fbida (slackware package ( included) to show images via frame buffer only
  • By kview for X server
-Possibility to change rapidly the showing program using 3 strings in script



Wednesday, January 2, 2008

CCM version 0.3 Released!

Few minutes ago I've released the 0.3 version of CCM (CCM is a Console Mediacenter).
This new version features are the dvd chapter selection and the cdaudio track selection.

Actually the 0.3 version is for *nix(GNU/Linux & co.) systems only... Windows XP version will come!... I hope!
